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 About Molly Ijames 

Molly Ijames was born in Flint, Michigan, and holds a B.S. in Music Education. She began playing the piano in church as a child and eventually went to college to be a music teacher. After several years of teaching, she moved to Greenville, SC to write for a small publishing company affiliated with Bob Jones University. Her compositions became widely recognized and expanded to other publishing companies. She also traveled for the University to play for recruiting events and worship services. As a trained composer, she also traveled to present her choral music to church directors, and her music ministry grew, expanding to local church congregations, community choirs, school competitions, and camp ministries.

Molly Church Music | Resources for Corporate Worship

She is widely recognized for her numerous choral compositions, piano collections, and instrumental arrangements in various catalogs, with a spotlight on the artistry within her piano accompaniments. Her anthems, cantatas, piano arrangements, and instrumental collections feature a well-balanced importance between soloist and accompanist. “The pianist,” she says, “is not just a supportive role; it is a trusted charge of proficiency and craft.”


Molly is frequently called upon to speak at music conferences, play for congregations, and accompany choral singing, and her keyboard mastery is often the vehicle in which her musicianship is imposed. She desires her God-given accompanying and music-creating abilities to ultimately serve the kingdom of God. Her deepest desire is for spiritual truth and graceful artistry to blend together to lift the human heart and sing in enthusiastic praise to God to reflect the glory of the Creator, and for His truth and gift of beauty to encourage and benefit each other.

What Clients Say

It is with the greatest enthusiasm that I recommend the hymnody work of Molly. Whether you are looking for accessible yet creative arrangements to new hymns or seeking to add energy and a fresh approach to hymns you have sung for years, herein lies your answer! Our people love to sing and the material found on this website has brought life to our singing that was not there before.


Pastor Jim Bishop | Worship and Administration | Faith Baptist Church | Davison, MI

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